
Sunday Evening Post

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sunday evening and I have nothing.

Another week has come to a close with spring seemingly no closer. It's a load of crap! Next week, though. Next week it gets warmer. I can feel it.

In lieu of genuine content I present you one of my favorite online shops - the eccentricity and brilliance that is Think Geek. Described as Stuff for Smart Masses, the site is a repository for all things nerdy and brilliantly designed. You name it, they got it - detachable joystick for your iPad? Check. Bad Robot Statue? Check. Combination NES/SNES player with controller? Check. Vinturi Wine Aerator that I wrote about two months ago? Check.
The site is a geek's haven for all things gadget related. There are tons of products for the kitchen, your home office and your car. There are even decals to turn your child's (or your own) room into the first level of Super Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong.  There are great deals on nerdy clothing, as well. Hoodies with hidden pockets and lines for headphones are a highlight, as is my personal favorite - the 8-bit tie
I know it's not much of an update, but I just wanted to put the love out there for the site and all the awesome products they have. I'll be back tomorrow with a proper update but I wanted to make sure there was an awesome thing posted for the day. Head over to their site and see what's available.  I guarantee if you look around you'll find something you can't live with out!