
Raison d'etre

In my life I have felt myself sway back and forth from proselytizing everything I love or refusing to make recommendations out of the knowledge that someone won't follow up on them. No fault of anyone else, but how are you going to remember to read that book when we're at a restaurant and you get full and sleepy and what was that book he said I would like? It was about a man in a well and he had a mark on his face?

Point is I'm going to fix this issue. 

From here on out I'm gonna use this space to do this. 

The things I love, the things that I think more people need to know about. Be it a movie, a book, a song, a band, a drink, a place or a time of night. Instead of boring my friends and family by droning on and on over what I'm currently enthralled with at the moment, this space will be the vent. The pressure valve for my excited brain.

Here's hoping it's fun.

Stay tuned.